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Outlook 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of nonprofit marketing endeavors, understanding the trends that shape donor behavior becomes imperative. The trends that emerged in 2023 have laid a foundation for the strategic approach nonprofits need to adopt in 2024 to navigate the challenges posed by economic shifts, technological advancements, and evolving donor demographics.


year-over-year decrease in the number of donors


decline in donation dollars during the same period


of Americans who believe that they have received services from nonprofits.

"Economic conditions, including the onset of a recession, have contributed to the plateauing of donor contributions, particularly major donors."
The Fundraising Project

trends to keep an eye on in 2024:

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Donation Dynamics

The trajectory of donations post-COVID has seen fluctuations. While the initial surge during the pandemic years fueled giving, the trends took a downward turn in 2022; the total amount of giving declined from $516 billion in 2021 to $499 billion in 20221.

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Communicating Impact

With only 5% of Americans believing they've received services from nonprofits, there's a vast communication gap that nonprofits need to bridge. Improving donor communications around the tangible outcomes of their contributions becomes pivotal.

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Keeping up with gen-z-ers...

The digital landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, leaving some nonprofits struggling to keep up.  With Gen Z entering the stage as potential regular donors, online donations and recurring giving options becomes paramount.

Content Strategy icon

...and aI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was everywhere in 2023, and we don't see it going away anytime soon. For nonprofits, integrating AI can be a major win for smaller teams with limited resources, helping them to achieve more and enabling teams to focus on high-impact activities.

key takeaways

Online donations and recurring giving options are no longer an added feature but a necessity.

Focusing on succinct yet impactful messaging that reflects the value of their donations.

Donors expect a seamless, expedited donation experience as the new standard.

Text (SMS)--based donations have seen a substantial rise, with Gen Z leading the trend.

"Nonprofits are powered by passionate individuals dedicated to creating positive change, and AI should serve to enhance their efforts, not overshadow them."
11 Ways to Use AI in Nonprofit Work